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Príprava na PWA 2014 v plnom prúde.

PWA jazdec Chris Pressler momentálne naberá kondičku na Kanárskych ostrovoch


Bolo pomerne zamračené. Búrka sa hlásila spoza rohu a na vrcholkoch hôr napadlo nezvyčajne veľa snehu. Vlny nestáli za nič a tak som sa rozhodol pre slalomovú sešn na spote Bahia de Formas neďaleko mestečka Arinaga. Voda je tu neskutočne hladká, trénoval tu veľakrát aj 41 násobný majster sveta Dunkie. Pri príchode na spot to vyzeralo na super vietor, ktorý sa hnal od ťažkých olovených mrakov, niekedy sme namerali nárazy okolo 13 metrov/s, skutočnosť na vode však bola o poznanie horšia a fúkalo 6 až 8 m/s. 

Doska: Starboard Isonic 107

Plachta: Severne Reflex4 7.8

Fina: Pfaffi S4 39,5 cm

English version

„It was a cloudy day. A strong storm was around the corner and a lot of snow felt in the mountains of the island, what's quite rare. The waves were not really there this afternoon, so I decided to go a Sllaom session at Bahia de Formas near Arinaga. It's a brilliant spot for flat water blasting and jibing and one of the spots, where 41 times world champion Björn Dunkerbeck trained many times in his career. To me it was the third session in my life. I brought the brand-new iSonic 107 to the island plus a Reflex 4 7,8, what fits most of the time at that spot. This afternoon grey clouds were in the sky and from time to time heavy rain squalls went down and heavy gusts with 25knots + arrived in the bay. Kerstin got a few really cool shots and edited the clip. I am looking forward to have many more great sessions at that great spot.  But it's honestly hard to have a day without any wind above 12 – 15 knots, what's fine to go with the 7,8. The oil-rig at the background is in the harbour for repair.“

Foto: Kerstin REIGER
Text: Chris Pressler
Viac článkov a zážitkov od Chrisa a Kerstin si môžete prečítať na jeho osobnej stránke 
More about the Chris and preparation for the PWA season 2014 at the Chris's personal blog site

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